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康善生技股份有限公司 300 新竹市東區光復路2段101號南創新育成大樓7樓713室 https://www.connsante.com/hot_462342.html
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抗癌能力預防健檢專案新上架,新上架期間全面優惠價:獨一無二的抗癌能力檢測,搭配不同需求的健診套餐組合,陪伴您全方位預約健康~ 瞭解更多

< 2023 BE's cohort annoncement>
Welcome to the 2023 BE's PoC Acceleration Program!
This year the recruitment was a great success. Every start-up was unique and capable, making the selection process challenging.
BE Health, TMU Biomed Accelerator, Show Chwan Health Care System and mentors all look forward to you joining us!


可能是顯示的文字是「比翼生醫創投 BEHEALTHVENTURES 比翼加速器 EAccelerator Company Product 商心環科技股份有限公司, Cardio Technologies, 采風智匯股份有限公司 Alpha Intelligence Manifolds, Inc. Measure continuous invasive Blood Pressu Classification Omnisurgica Medical device acilitate osteoporosis diagnosis interpretating mage Detect endoscopic bleeding algorithm -assiste screening 竹謙科技股份有限公司 Bamboo Technology Utilize assisted by SaMD Imvaria SaMD Generat Mobio Interactive SaMD lung disease using interstitia SaMD Oncoshot-Tw biomarkers SaMD Collect real-ti aggregated data cohorts acilitate executing clinical Allos Health informatics 瑞泰生醫科技股份有限公司 Medical Technology| workflow inflammatory arthritis using algorith ImpleentA SaMD BioTech Inc. prognosis Medical device cupe cancer-s/p treatment Heuristik Eliminate bics(fn)&Al using Health Healf informatics BIOMEDACCELERATOR 秀傳醫療體系 Show Chwan Health Care System 」的圖像

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